Footnotes Area

Describes the layout and the content of the area containing the footnotes of a page or the endnotes of a section/document (see footnote-placement).

Please note that some styling options are only available to PDF export. Elements inside a footnote can be styled by using a relative style selector on inline-footnote, such as inline-footnote paragraph { … }.


  • Definitions:

    • area-footnotes

Style Settings

See also: Paragraph, Inline

Setting Type Examples Description
anchor-alignment Symbol left, right The horizontal alignment of a footnote anchor.
anchor-inset Length 10pt The inset of a footnote anchor inside the footnote area.
divider-length Length 2cm The length of the divider line of a footnote. (PDF only.)
divider-position Symbol left, right The horizontal position of the divider line of a footnote.
divider-spacing Length 1cm The spacing between the separator line of a footnote and its contents.
divider-width Length 1pt The width of the divider line of a footnote. (PDF only.)
text-inset Length 30pt The inset of the text of the footnote area.
top-spacing Length 1cm The spacing before the separator line of a footnote.


Class Description
:anchor The style of the anchor inside the footnote area. See Inline Class. Defaults to superscript text.


// Styling the footnotes area
area-footnotes {
  font-size:         8pt

  top-spacing:       20pt
  divider-spacing:   10pt
  divider-length:    2cm
  divider-width:     1pt
  divider-position:  left
  anchor-alignment:  left
  anchor-inset:      1cm
  text-inset:        1.5cm

// Applying paragraph styles to the paragraphs of a footnote.
inline-footnote paragraph {
 first-line-indent: 0pt