Settings Reference

This section gives you a detailed reference on any available style settings.


Document Settings

Style Setting Description
column-count The number of text columns used for output.
column-spacing-width The spacing between two text columns for multi-column layouts.
footnote-enumeration Specifies how to enumerate footnotes.
footnote-placement Specifies where to place footnotes in the document.
footnote-style The style that should be used for enumerating footnotes.
locale The locale that should be used for hyphenation if language detection fails.
page-binding The position of the page binding.
page-height The height of the page.
page-inset-bottom The spacing between the bottom border of a page and the page content.
page-inset-inner The spacing between the inner border of a page and the page content. Depends on page-binding and two-sided.
page-inset-outer The spacing between the outer border of a page and the page content. Depends on page-binding and two-sided.
page-inset-top The spacing between the top border of a page and the page content.
page-number-format The format string that should be used for page numbers.
page-number-reset Specifies whether page numbers should be reset on each section.
page-number-style The style that should be used for generating page numbers.
page-orientation The orientation of a page.
page-width The width of the page.
section-break Specifies whether headings or dividers will introduce a section break.
two-sided Specifies whether the output should be generated for two-sided printing or not.

Headers and Footers

Style Setting Description
bottom-spacing The spacing on the bottom of a header / footer.
content The content that should be filled in to the header / footer.
top-spacing The spacing on the top of a header / footer.

Footnotes Area

Style Setting Description
anchor-alignment The horizontal alignment of a footnote anchor.
anchor-inset The inset of a footnote anchor inside the footnote area.
divider-length The length of the divider line of a footnote.
divider-position The horizontal position of the divider line of a footnote.
divider-spacing The spacing between the separator line of a footnote and its contents.
divider-width The width of the divider line of a footnote.
text-inset The inset of the text of the footnote area.
top-spacing The spacing before the separator line of a footnote.


Style Setting Description
background-color The background color of the text.
baseline-shift The text position relative to the baseline.
character-spacing Additional character spacing.
font-color The foreground color of the text.
font-family The family name of a font.
font-size The size of the font used for styling text.
font-slant The obliqueness of a font.
font-style The typographic style of a font.
font-weight The weight of a font.
strikethrough The strikethrough style of the text.
strikethrough-color The color of the text strikethrough.
style-title The name of the style used for format templates in DOCX files.
underline The underline style of the text.
underline-color The color of the text underline.
visibility The visibility of an element.


Style Setting Description
margin-left The left margin of the element.
margin-right The right margin of the element.


Style Setting Description
footnote-visibility Specifies whether the element should be actually treated as footnote or as ordinary inline text.


Style Setting Description
default-tab-interval The default length of the spacing between the beginning of two tab stops.
first-line-indent The indentation of the first line of a paragraph.
hyphenation Whether hyphenation shold be applied to a paragraph.
justify-line-breaks Whether text should be justified on line breaks.
keep-with-following Keep the paragraph with the following paragraphs if a page break occurs.
line-height The distance between the baselines of two adjacent lines of a paragraph.
margin-bottom The bottom margin of a paragraph.
margin-left The left margin of a paragraph.
margin-right The right margin of a paragraph.
margin-top The top margin of a paragraph.
orphans-and-widows The handling of orphans and widows in paragraphs.
page-break Specifies, whether a page break should occur before or after a paragraph.
tab-alignments The horizontal text alignments for each tabulator.
tab-positions The start positions for each tabulators.
text-alignment The horizontal alignment of a paragraph’s text.


Style Setting Description
content The content of a divider.


Style Setting Description
enumeration-format The format string that should be used for generating an enumerator.
enumeration-style The style that should be used for generating an enumerator.
item-spacing The spacing between two items of the list.
itemization Specifies whether a list should be treated as ordinary block.
text-inset The position of the text inside a text list.


Style Setting Description
border-color The color of any border line around the table.
border-style The styling of any border line around the table.
border-width The width of any border line around the table.
caption-placement The placement of the table caption.
padding-collapse Whether paddings of adjacent cells should collapse if there is no separator.

Table Cell

Style Setting Description
alternate-column-color An alternate background color that should be applied on all cells in even numbered column.
alternate-row-color An alternate background color that should be applied on all cells in even numbered rows.
cell-color The background color of a table cell.
padding The padding between a cell’s border and its contents.
separator-color The color of the row and column separator of a table cell.
separator-style The styling of the row and column separator of a table cell.
separator-width The width of the row and column separator of a table cell.

Table of Contents

Style Setting Description
nesting-indentation The indentation of nested headings in the table of contents.
page-number-position The position of the page number for each table of contents item.
trailing-column-fill The characters that should fill the space between the table of contents item and the page number.