Standard Manuscript-Article Preview 1
Standard Manuscript-Article Preview 2

Standard Manuscript-Article

By Luckshot

A simple typewriter manuscript style, for article & short story submissions. This style is double spaced, and uses the excellent Courier Prime font. **The style must be edited to change the "Your name here" text, as Ulysses doesn't allow document variables, yet.**

H1 - Title
H2 - Chapter break, space

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A simple typewriter manuscript style, for article & short story submissions. This style is double spaced, and uses the excellent Courier Prime font. **The style must be edited to change the "Your name here" text, as Ulysses doesn't allow document variables, yet.**

H1 - Title
H2 - Chapter break, space afterward
H3 - Centered subhead, with no other style
H4 - Author's byline, to be used after H1
H5 - Contact info, for first lines of document, single spaced
H6 - Centered bold, for end of document symbol
Divider - will print a centered "#" as space break

Name and page number will be in the upper right hand corner, on all pages except the first.

This style is based on the built-in "Plain & Simple" style.

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